Official opening
Today was the first day our experiments were open to the public. In the last days we have often talked to tourists on the Klein-Matterhorn. But today was the first day on which journalists were allowed to interview us. Our team leader, Felix Grubert, had two interviews with Swiss TV stations. More information will follow the next days!
Sadly more electronic problems appeared today. The USB connection on the motor controller broke under the cold ambient temperature. Fortunately, we can still run the motor, but we cannot install any new software. Maxon Motor has agreed to bring a new controller on Wednesday, the day they wanted to visit us anyway. Thank you guys!
Further tests were carried out on the ice layer. Overall it can be said that the spikes work without any problems. The drill works, but the drilling depth is still unsatisfactory. The first guess is the unexpected hardness of the ice. Tomorrow we'll get to the bottom of the problems.